
Dear Friends of St Luke's,

A quick update on the inaugural St Luke's Charity Cycle.

The committee has been busy conducting recce of the routes and visiting hotels in Batam, deciding on the jersey design (Giro Pink) and finalising the logistics and support for the cyclists.

The two day ride will be supported by Batam Police Outriders, Marshals, Mechanics, 7 Vehicles, and an ambulance with a doctor & nurses.  

The first day will see cyclists meeting at HarbourFront and boarding a chartered Wavemaster Ferry for Sekupang, Batam.  Riders will disembark, (we have arranged for express clearance.  Foreign nationals which require Visa upon Arrival need only place USD$20 inside their passports)  before embarking on a 100Km ride to Nongsa located in the East of the island before heading West towards our day one destination of Harris, Waterfront Resort.  The route is fairly flat except for Nongsa where there are some challenging climbs and nice curves to navigate.

Riders arriving at Harris will be welcomed by our volunteers before checking into the hotel and tuck into a buffet lunch.  The rest of the afternoon is free and easy. Participants can opt for a complimentary 10 minute massage by our sponsors Energy Workz or opt to book a longer session payable to Harris Hotel.  Some may even opt to form a group and take part in optional activities such as paint ball.

In the evening we have arranged for a poolside buffet dinner where we will announce the name of the top fundraiser and conduct the lucky draw.   Event certificates and a briefing on day 2 activities will round off the event.

We will wake up early on day two to embark on a more challenging Batam six bridges ride.  The distance will be 150km for those up to the challenge.  After 20km we will reach the first of the six bridges.  The terrain will get progressively more challenging and will definitely challenge the strongest of legs.     At the 75km we will reach the end of the road and make a U-turn heading back for Harris Resort.  We will have a number of water points and support vehicles to make sure that none is left behind.

Upon arrival at Harris Hotel, cyclists will hand over their bicycles for it to be transported to the ferry terminal while you take a shower and have lunch.  We will embark for the ferry terminal at 3.45pm to catch the 4.45pm ferry back to Singapore with sweet memories of our trip.

You can view the routes for the two days here

St Luke's Charity Cycle is not a race but a challenge by choice.  So cyclists who feel that they will have problems completing the ride should approach the organising committee early.  Please direct your questions to Ms Isabel Ng at or 6895 3284. 

We are pleased that Equinix is our title sponsor this year.  Our thanks to the Managing Director of Equinix, Mr Clement Goh for supporting the inaugural St Luke's Charity Cycle.  Ms Tamara Yee from Equinix will be the Event Director.  We are also thankful for the staff of Equinix for taking the time to help us organise this event.

We are also grateful to the following sponsors:

Gold Sponsors
Dymon Aisa
M+W Group
Precise Development

Silver Sponsors
Wah Loon

Supporting Sponsros
Ezion Holdings Limited
Citystate Travel
Nusa Jaya
DSCO Group
Maxi Nutrition
NTUC FairPrice Foundation
Soon Watt
Energy Workz

We are also thankful to Soon Watt & Co. for sponsoring an Orbea Orca Monocoque Bronze valued at $3,899 for our top fundraiser.  There will also be a lucky draw for fundraisers who raise above $3,000.  For every additional $500 raised the fundraiser will get an additional lucky draw chance.

In addition, each rider will receive a $20 Soon Watt Voucher and $300 Soon Watt Voucher for Bike Purchases or frames valued at $3,000 and above.

We are looking for more sponsors for this event and seek your help to connect us with potential sponsors. (See sponsorship packages details below)

This year, we hope to raise $350,000 for the patients and clients from St Luke’s Hospital and the elderly at St Luke’s ElderCare respectively.  (Click here to learn more about the beneficiaries). To participate in SLCC, you need to be among the first 80 persons to raise $1,600 or more. All donations will enjoy a 250% tax deduction.

The Government will give $1 for every dollar raised. This is in recognition of the challenging circumstances that intermediate and long-term care charities such as St Luke's operate in. This year St Luke's expects to record an operating deficit of $6 million.

Don't hesitate, sign up now as there are only a limited number of cyclists that we can bring due to the limited capacity of the ferry!  

On behalf of the organising committee, we look forward to your support to make SLCC a success.  God bless you!


Adrian Lim

on behalf of the Oganising Committee

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